When I found the information about the Fiber Program and attended the information session, I thought this was exactly the kind of guidance I was missing and needed. I need help in finding focus, exploring the creative process and the motivation to continue. Plus the nuts and bolts of becoming more professional – writing the artist statement, grant writing and other “professional practices” that was mentioned at the information session.
I graduated with a BFA in Fibers from St. Cloud State University (Minnesota) in 1980. I soon moved to Seattle and was finally able to purchase my own loom and tried to continue working on my art. Without the community of artists around me to share ideas and no real vision on how I should proceed, my creativity settled into my job, my home, and basic living.
I know how to make a pleasant arrangement of things and objects on a page or in space – I’ve been doing that for almost 30 years as a graphic designer. That was sort of what I was trying to do with my weaving - mixed in with doing the color gradation work, - I love the way color flows from one to the next - but they were just spots of color on a “page;” no meaning, no story. I liked parts of them, how the color plays and reacts in some places, but as a whole they just don’t hold your interest for very long.
In the past year I’ve been trying to get in touch with what I’d like to create; to find my voice. I’ve done some tentative weaving projects to explore new paths, joined the weavers guild in an attempt to find people to share with and be inspired by, and started a book of sketches of ideas and thoughts. I feel like I’m ready to begin the study of the process of my creativity and how I can make it flourish.
The image "Brown to Gold" is the second image I subitted with my application.
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